Gender, End casing, Number & Definiteness Nahw Worksheet
Nahw worksheet for students to identify the gender, dnd casing, dumber and definiteness of nouns. Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Haal table (female) Nahw Worksheet
Nahw worksheet to help students identify the feminine isms in the different states of Rafa, Nasb and Jarr Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Sound Female Plural (جمع مؤنث سالم) Nahw Worksheet
Nahw worksheet to help students identify how the sound female plural changes in the different states (Rafa, Nasb & Jarr) Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Isms in the Quran Nahw Worksheet
Nahw Worksheet to help students identify isms in the Quran. Students will need to identify the 1. Definiteness, 2. Gender, 3. Haal & 4. Number Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, […]
Haal table (Male) Nahw Worksheet
Nahw worksheet for students to learn the different states (Rafa’, Nasb & Jarr) of masculine nouns, including singular, dual, and sound male plural forms. Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Sound Male Plural (جمع مذكر سالم) Nahw Worksheet
Nahw worksheet to help students identify the sound male plural (جمع مذكر سالم). Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Dual ism in the Quran Nahw Worksheet
Nahw worksheet to help students dentify dual isms from the Quran. Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Dual ism (hāl) Nahw Worksheet
Nahw Worksheet to help students identify the state of dual isms. Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Dual (muthanna) Nahw Worksheet
Nahw Worksheet to help students identify the two forms of Dual (muthanna) words. Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Haal, Definiteness and Gender Nahw Worksheet
Two Nahw worksheets to help students to identify the Haal (Rafa, Nasb, or Jarr), Definiteness, and Gender of words. For the first worksheet, students will write down the Haal, Definiteness, […]
Definite and Indefinite Nahw Worksheet
Nahw Worksheet to help students identify definite and indefinite nouns. There are two worksheets attached. One will help students distinguish between the sun and moon letters. For the second worksheet, […]
Identify Rafa’, Nasb & Jarr Nahw Worksheet
Nahw Worksheet for students to identify if a word is in the state of Rafa’, Nasb or Jarr from surah Fatiha. Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
Ism, fi’l or Harf Nahw Worksheet
Nahw Worksheet to help students identify whether a word is an Ism, fi’l or Harf. Download Category Arabic, Islamic Studies, Nahw
The 3 types of word – Ism, fi’l and harf
Download this Nahw worksheet on the topic of the three types of word – Ism, fi’l and harf. 2 pages of practise for students with basic Arabic words. Students will need […]
Sarf Past Tense Flash Cards
Sarf Past Tense Flash Cards, Print double sided and cut out. Can use English side to guess the arabic, or use the arabic side to guess the translation. Download Category […]
Madina Book 1 Vocabulary
Vocabulary from the renowned Madina Book 1, also know as duroosul lughatul arabiyya. Comes in two pdf documents as well as an editable excel sheet. Download Category General Arabic, Islamic […]
Nahw Test with answers
Fully editable Nahw questions with answers. Based on Tasheel Nahw (English) and Hidayatun Nahw (Arabic). Split into 17 tests for different sections of the book. Includes tests for: Most tests […]